Castle View Bands Booster
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Call to Order: 6:05
Attendees: Mark, Rebeca, Audra, Scott, Amy, Robert, Kathleen and Farrah late
Minutes from previous meeting - Are posted on CVBB website – Approved
Treasurer Reports- Moving forward report with details will be saved along with meeting minutes
Savings: $25.00
Checking: $995.98
Expenses for the month:
$350.00 for Legend
$393.57 reimbursement for lights
$6819.88 to Mark
Student fees: 13 marching still outstanding $685.00
Old Business
End of Marching Season Parties:
Kid’s party was a success – parents here to support
Parent party is on Saturday, Dec 14th at Emily Winter’s house
Insurance, Any updates: Motion made to follow up on insurance, get it down to $300.00 a year. Kathleen will get quote and forward info
New Business:
Feeder Festival CVBB Table
What time should we be there?
Should we try to make snacks/water bottles for sale?
Selling apparel
Selling Athletic Cards
Winder Band Concert – Thursday, December 12th at 7 pm. Audra will get refreshments/drinks. Will set up another CVBB table
Gala Updates
Would like a to save the date to go out to re: ticket sale starting January 2020
Kids will be required to sell a minimum of 2 tickets??
Ideas on how to get the community to come, not just band parents
Company Sponsorship
It has been decided the desert dash will happen. Farrah is working on finding some donations for the event
From the Members:
8th grade band banquet January 14th serve desert- Gina quick invite to 8th grade parents to donate deserts.
On-going and Reminders:
CVBB Website – work in progress 😊
Bands App
King Soopers card linked to the band
Next CVBB Meeting: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at 6pm in the band room
Adjourn: 7:45