CV Band Booster Minutes
President: Audra Johnson
Vice President: Trish Smith
Treasurer: Cheryl Altman
Member at Large: Kathleen Williams
Teacher: Mark Cellar
General Members:
Robert Boswell
Brian & Linda Glover
Shanna French
Farrah Wells
Catherine Rafferty
Scott Brown
Meeting called to order 6:05pm
Secretary’s Report
Minutes from October meeting approved
Treasurer’s Report Cheryl Altman
83 marking band members 7 non marching members
$1200.00 collected $500.00 Collected Total collected $1700.00
$2075.00-food fees and $900.00 for admin fees Total needed $2975.00
Short 1275.00 just to cover food for band.
886.07 in account.
525.00 in savings
1600.00 collected from last concession stand session
Still have discount punch tickets to sell.
50.00 for Kate Rafferty for fan angel.
Applaud for a great Season
Old Business
Personalized thank you notes from the kids
The band members will have a signing day.
Order thank you cards from Vistaprint with CV band logo and kids can sign those cards for sponsors and donations.
Money for flag fundraiser goes to CV Band Booster account.
Poinsettias and Yankee Candle goes to Castle View band account.
To received a gambling license, a 501c3 needs to be around for 5 years. We cannot get license to have Bingo nights for another 4 years.
Continue to reach out to businesses for donations and sponsorships
Tricia will upload the sponsorship logos to the CV band website
An email will go out regarding band apparel orders.
New Business
Parent Thank you Party
December 7th and Audra and Steve’s house
Kids thank you party.
December 14th
Tricia will send out email for Gala help and use Sign Up Genius soon.
Need to have vote in February for new Booster members, executive committee.
Unable to secure dates for future concession stand help. Must sign up next year as those dates become available.
Thank you to those parents to rallied to do the last concession date. Help was asked and we were able to deliver. (Band Parents Rule!)
New microphones needed for next year
Top of the line is $2200.00 a piece
Next level of microphone will work- $1100.00 a piece
(Thank You Brian and Linda Glover for getting the new Generator donated!! Outstanding work for the band)
The new uniforms are correct. The wrong ones were already sent back.
Will have to order a few more new ones for next season.
Date for cleaning the current uniforms for storage and the trip to Florida will start Tuesday November 13th at 3:30.
Uniforms need to be labeled, separated and washed.
After cleaning, they need to be returned to the correct garment bag.
After Christmas need to have the band try their uniforms on for sizing.
Any needing new sizes will be taken care of in January.
A table will be set up at the Feeder Fest to answer questions for incoming parents and band members.
Table only needs to be manned at 2:30 before the festival starts and then again at the end for about 30 minutes each time.
There will be a sign up sheet to order coffee. A fundraiser for the band.
The winter concert is Thursday December 13th.
A table will be set up again for after the concert. Snacks will be provided for after the show.
Next Meeting:
Meeting Adjourned 7:05pm