Castle View Bands Booster
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Call to Order: 6:05
Minutes from previous meeting: Approved
Treasurer Reports
Bank: $8652.33
$25.00 in savings
12064.72 – Expenses most was to pay out the peaches
Deposits $3408.30
Needs receipts from anyone who has them
$1000 in competition fees, $700 in show supplies and food $500.00
Student fees
24 who have not paid
17 total non-marchers who have not paid
13 who have not paid do not have an email in Charms, so they do not know they are outstanding. Suggestion -After November 1st propose a 5.00 late fee. Mark if that is the case, they need to be made aware.
Concessions! We broke the record, the concession managers wished we could do all of them. The Band Parents had a good attitude. We hustled. $6000 donation to the band. Which beat the peaches.
Old Business
Spirit Nights:
Granelli’s - $1,585 in sales that night; received $158; Dates to do again?
Next, she will do 15% for us, open to doing it regularly
They did all the take out and everyone was there – they were great!
Dairy Queen - (need details from Kathleen)
Chipotle – We need to wait for their management transition
Applebee’s is open to it and a pancake – (Mark was nice, you could bring in people off the street along with sale tickets before hand)
Typically, on Saturdays are the best date to do this
Did in the past and did it at the Foul Line.
Black Eyed pea will do something as well, anyone interested in helping please let us know.
Perry’s pizza, jimmy johns have reached out to and they are interested as well.
Audra will work with Mark on dates
DECA runs the basketball games
We will do CBA first week in March and Cheryl and Audra noted what worked and what did not work- total of 18 bands attend
New Business
Spirit Socks/Scarves Fundraiser? Cheryl: will investigate
Official Sponsorship Letter? We cannot really utilize the program – would prefer not to go through the friends of music, we will mock up and will send in.
Apparel Order has arrived
Thoughts on the 1st ever Parent Showcase/Ice Cream Social?
Parents liked it
Will do next
End of Year Parent Showcase?
Kid’s Party – in December
Parent Party – in December
Community show- book evening at the stadium rather than here – cost is 250.00 to get stuff there. (back burner)
Final practice on October 28th, parents and alumni will be invited and hot coco provided, did last year, hope it to be fun
From the Members
Chick f la or Culvers are they options for spirit night? Couple of high school band working there. Some point to see if they will do a spirit night
Can hit again in January for Sprit nights
The office will do something as well. Spirits night LOL!
Kathleen contacted the ice rink, can do spirit nights there and sent an email for details
Mark suggested playing at the rink
Star Lighting never performed as an official Castle View night.
The Gala: Starting Process of the Gala May 2, 2020 – fun night to dress up.
Kathleen, just getting started. We have ton of baskets left over
Kathleen and Farrah working on the letter from last year, along with specifics. As soon as get, we will get it out to everyone.
Silent Auction
Kathleen already has one item 😊
There are some of the trips left
Sold last year, personal items, maybe cabin shares
Still have the list for everyone who donated last year
On the certificate there were stipulations and fees to cover additional fees.
Expect communications on do you know anyone who has this or that for donation for the
Rebecca will do the food, she will cook, and the kids will serve
More to come, but heads up we will need a lot of help
The kids do work crew- did skits for bids. Work crew would have to be the next week.
Want to do mascaraed, then all that Jazz next year
Should be community not just parents
Desert Dash – Mark MC, he can do it with
On-going and Reminders:
CVBB Website – work in progress 😊Cheryl wants the minutes added, financials and time for the next booster meeting. Merchandise stuff, way to incorporate the Bands app to
Link to the CBA top 10 for parents to know
Bands App – People are loving it
Coffee – ABC is not, Kathleen votes no and Cheryl no. Coffee link deleted
Next CVBB Meeting: Wednesday, November 6th, 2019 at 6pm
Adjourn: 7:04