CV Band Booster Minutes
President: Audra Johnson
Vice President: Trish Smith
Secretary: Gina Claus
Treasurer: Cheryl Altman
Member at Large: Shanna French
Member at Large: Kathleen Williams
Teacher: Mark Cellar
Meeting called to order 6:08pm
Secretary’s Report Gina Claus
Minutes approved 6:12pm
Old Business: Audra Johnson
By Laws
Minor typos corrected
Motion to approve 6:16pm
Establishing Booster
Banking Issues
Fees are now $850 for EIN
Fundraising idea:
organize a 5K - Audra going to research
Go Fund Me account
Car Wash fundraiser - Audra follow up with Hollingshead
Cellar will send out an email “call for cash” for $10 per family
Altman will look into ENT and Bellco Banks to open account
Altman will collect “call for cash” moneys for deposit
Employee needs to initiate the EIN/501(c)(3) registration
Social Media
Instagram/Facebook Account
Up and running with traction
Need to “#” more
Google Account
Twitter Account
Still in the works
Will create separate accounts for Band Boosters as well
Social Media strategies resources
Gala Event
Sold 71 so far (planned for 120, 150 or higher we will be at capacity)
Ticket sales mostly band parents
Goal is to have more community involvement
Fiscal Year Dates
July 1st beginning of fiscal year (to June 30th)
Motion to approved - Approved 6:59pm
Budget/Membership Fees
$35 membership fees
Covers food and EIN fees ($25/$10)
Motion to approve membership fees - Approved 7:07pm
CV Band Apparel
Waiting on bank account to be set up
Kathleen will research how/where to get band apparel
New Business:
Coffee Fundraiser
Kathleen Williams
Consistently market it
Motion to approve - Approved 7:22pm
Band Booster Letterhead
Will be created by Gina Claus
Like our Social Media pages
Reaching out to elementary schools still
Waiting to hear from Meadowview
Going to reach out to Larkspur
Goodwill is donating baskets for the Gala
Masks for the kids to wear during serving
Open to students to wear their own masks if they want
Next Meeting Business:
Bank Account
Band Apparel
Gala Follow Up
Next Meeting:
May 2nd, TBD
Meeting Adjourned 7:40pm