Castle View Band Booster Club Meeting
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Jen Dobosz, President, called the meeting to order at 5:10 PM. Mark Cellar, Director, Gloria Kim, Secretary, and Valeri Boswell, Treasurer, were present.
The agenda was presented and accepted.
Treasurer’s Report – Valerie Boswell
End of last school year balance: $6,600.97
Current balance: $9,102.80
The difference in balance is primarily from transferring the band Venmo money. Money was sent to the Venmo app to pay for senior pictures, Bands over the Rockies tickets, etc.
There are currently ~$500 of unclaimed checks that the band wrote from previous school years. Most are several years old. Valerie will cancel the checks soon since it’s unlikely they will be claimed.
Valerie asked for approval to purchase checks, so we don’t need to use paper checks moving forward. It’s what causes problems with the Peaches check getting cashed each year.
Peaches check from the 2022-2023 school year went through
Currently 93 orders
Raised $5,001 – last year $5,872
Based on current raised $1,268 is for the students
Jams & honey were really popular this year
A few orders didn’t go through, Valerie will follow up to let them know that payment wasn’t processed for those orders. They will need to either reprocess and complete the payment step or coordinate with Valerie if they want to pay via check
Band Believers update – Joan Gandy
We are getting a check from Colorado Gives around mid-month
26 of the donations that were set up are monthly donations ($305)
Currently paying $0.81 in fees, everyone else who donated cover their own fees
~40 donors (There are 2 Joan needs to look into to see if they intended them to go to Band Believers or to the boosters directly)
When Joan originally scheduled out the weeks, she didn’t account for this one dead week, Joan recommends that we extend out for another week, ending on 8/19/2024
Joan will come in and talk to the symphonic band on Friday @1:45 PM since most of these students do not overlap with Marching Band and we may get more participation
Joan will also discuss Band Believers during 8/13 parent meeting
Parent Meeting Saturday
Punch cards – CV Is still working on getting the order done. We had 100 cards last yar and did not sell out, so we don’t need more than 100 this year
We need to pay a percentage of what we raise 75% band / 25% athletics department
$30 per card last year – will not announce pricing yet, since it may go up this year
Mention during the parent meeting, although they will not be available for sale yet. Also, want to mention that they can be used for both football & basketball games.
Denise volunteers to get cookies & water
Mr. Cellar to discuss Signups
Punch Card Sales:
We need 2 parents per gate for the first 2 games (9/6 & 9/19) to help sell punch cards
They will need to be there for at least 1 hour, getting there 20 minutes before the game so that Denise can walk the parents through logistics. We will not be accepting cash, instead Valerie will need to provide Denise with the QR code for the band venmo for payments.
Uniform Laundry/Maintenance Assistance:
The students will need the uniforms to be washed and ironed regularly during the season. They will be taking off their jackets and may or may not be wearing their gauntlets. Not yet decided based on the show logistics.
Mr. Cellar already has laundry on the sign-up list, but will call it out since we need more assistance than we did last year
Truck Driving: Will be adding this to the list for this year.
Concession Volunteers
Welder: Sarah indicated that Nick may be able to assist with welding needs
Will discuss increased marching band fees for this school year. Looking at $650
Gear Shop – Gloria & Denise
We hope to have details by the parent meeting, still waiting on Rocky Mountain Swag
We have asked for 2 windows, so that we can get orders in before the first competition and still allow parents to continue to purchase to receive a few weeks later
We can do pickup for PIT shirts to ensure that parents get them on time, if we feel that the first window is too close to the first competition
We will be able to have parents shop directly from their website and pay online
Website Maintenance – Meagan & Hannah Feger
Hannah will do the website for us this school year
Note: The calendar needs to be updated to presto
Summer Wrap Up
Town Grant/Pool Party – received $1500 in grant money to help cover the pool party
Uniform Fittings – fitting went well, but want more parents to help volunteer for ironing
Parade Day – students have been given directions for day of & will receive t-shirts, etc.
Senior Photos, banners and sashes (date for senior night?)
Kristen to pick up senior photos on Monday &Mason will be passing senior photos out to the students
Seniors should hang up their own banners in the cafeteria. Denise to coordinate with seniors/senior parents to make sure they are completed
Ashley made the sashes, they are all done and ready to go
Other Business
Joan has a coworker at the library who is looking for musician who they can hire to play the national anthem during the upcoming Naturalization Ceremony
Joan will connect the coworker to Mr. Cellar to sync with a handful of students that he thinks might have the skill level/interest to see if they’re ok with him sending their names/contact info
He will not work as a go between, the library will need to coordinate directly
Joan indicated that it could be one or two students playing together, but the total payment is $100, so it would be split if there was more than one student playing
Spring Gala (4/12) – it was noted that the date we got approved for this school year is on the same day as winter percussion
We will need to adjust the way we collect band fees
Based on the way we collected band feeds historically; we experienced issues where we were unable to add outstanding balances to the student’s MySchoolBucks account later in the year after subtracting the portions the boosters covered. Will need to adjust the way we handle collecting fees/scholarships to ensure that we are not in a position where we cannot accurately collect fees and incur unnecessary debt due to school financial logistics
Moving forward we will charge full fees in student’s MySchoolBucks accounts at the beginning of the year
The boosters will continue to offer scholarships after assessment of request/need, but they will be checks paid directly to the school with a memo to apply to a specific student’s balance.
Color guard technics practices have moved to Tuesday/Thursday
Next Meeting – Wednesday, September 4, 2024
We will be switching from 6:00 PM start time to 5:00 PM state time moving forward