Castle View Band Booster Club Meeting
Wednesday April 5th, 2023
Jen Dobosz, president, called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. Mark Cellar, director, Valerie Boswell & Amy Bodfield , co- treasurer, Meagan Feger, vice president, Kristin Teuscher, secretary were present. The agenda was presented and accepted.
Meeting minutes
Motion was made and accepted to approve March2023minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
Balance 4/4 $17, 678.68
Peaches $6, 069.00 will be cashed
Board Elections May
Amy Bodfield will step down
Winter Guard Sat April 8th @ DU 1:10 pm / Retreat 7:45pm
Pancake Breakfast- Still going on with only 40 tickets sold
Gala – Night at the Movies, Saturday, April 29, 5p-9p in CVHS cafeteria.
Auction basket party April 15th
Comp tickets for CV admin approved
Jay Weiss Photography will be at the event.
Next Meeting at 6pm Wednesday May 3rd 2023