Castle View Band Booster Club Meeting
Wednesday March 1, 2023
Jen Dobosz, president, called the meeting to order at 6:02pm. Mark Cellar, director, Valeri Boswell, treasurer, Meagan Feger, vice president, Kristin Teuscher, secretary were present. The agenda was presented and accepted.
Meeting minutes
Motion was made and accepted to approve Febuary2023 minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
Balance 3/1/23 is $18,415.43
$75 deposited for Scott Lang/ Venmo
(Peaches $6, 069.00) * looking for new Peach vendor
$325 change needed for CBA concessions
Upcoming Events
Spring concert treats- Lisa Hutching will do cookies/napkins /bottled water
CBA Festival concessions March 7th 8am-5:30pm Lisa, Val, Meagan, & Jen will volunteer for set up, sales & cleanup. 717 kids / 5 bands
Winter Guard competition schedule- 3/11 Westminster, DU 3/18
Gala – Night at the Movies, Saturday, April 29, 5p-9p in CVHS cafeteria.
Auction & sponsorship – Thank you ideas for Core Electric - $1,500
Ticket sales go up March 15 /55 Tickets sold
Auction basket party mid-April date to be announced at a later date
Draft e-mail for Romanello to be sent out
* Winter Guard will preform their show for anyone wanting to stay after Booster meeting in April in the gym. Come support the winter guard !
Next Meeting at 6pm Wednesday April 5th, 2023