Castle View Band Booster Club Meeting
Wednesday Feb 1, 2023
Jen Dobosz, president, called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Mark Cellar, director, Valeri Boswell, treasurer, Meagan Feger, vice president, Kristin Teuscher, secretary were present. Parents Joan was present. The agenda was presented and accepted.
Meeting minutes
Motion was made and accepted to approve Jan 1st, 2023 minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
Balance 2/1/23 is $16, 809.86
(Peaches $6, 069.00)
Colorado Gives ? - ?
Winter Guard update:
Show name we are Dust
The competition schedule will be on calender and BAND AP
Spirit nights – Jan 10th Cold Stone brought in $397.50
Pancake Fundraiser? Toyko Joe’s ? ( gives back 25%)
No Go on Superbowl squares / Gambling?
Amy applied for the Town of Castle Rock grant.
Additional fundraising continues through Amazon wish list, Amazon Smile, and King Soopers ( $441) loyalty card.
Upcoming Events
Pep Band treat sign up
Band Banquet Feb 16th
Spring concert we need parent volunteers.
CBA Festival concessions March 7th 8am-5:30pm
Gala – Night at the Movies, Saturday, April 29, 5p-9p in CVHS cafeteria.
35 tickets sold so far
Auction & Sponsorship- Joan reported we are 2/3 of the way there
Next Meeting Wednesday March 1st